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Life Preservers


Everyone has a story, and yours is precious. Your memories, your experiences, and your wisdom deserve to be shared.


Preserve your life story—or the history of your family—in a stunning, custom-made book. Create a beautiful addition to your library and a cherished heirloom for the future. Honor the loved ones who came before you, and connect with future generations.


We’re Susan and Samantha, the founders of Remarkable Life Memoirs and veterans of the publishing world. We believe in the power of personal storytelling, and we built our company around the idea that it should be easy—and even joyful. 


Let us take care of all the details, from writing to designing to printing, while you concentrate on what’s really important. We would be honored to guide you every step of the way.


Everyone has a story—and we can’t wait to hear yours! Get in touch with us today to arrange a free consultation. Together, we'll begin the storytelling journey of a lifetime. 


Samantha Shubert

Susan Hood


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